Persis Crafts

Handicrafts are a form of creative industry that involves using basic tools and local materials to create unique artworks. They reflect the specific culture and way of thinking of each art, as well as the cultural history of the region where they are produced. Handicrafts hold national and cultural value, heritage and stories, rather than being seen as mere commodities.

The origins of handicrafts can be traced back to the first man-made tools used for hunting and self-defense. As human settlements developed and agriculture and animal husbandry became prevalent, people began creating various products that were both efficient and aesthetically pleasing. Early small villages are considered the birthplace of handicrafts.

Over time, as techniques advanced and civilizations grew, handicrafts also evolved and expanded. Iranian handicrafts, in particular, are highly regarded. They encompass a wide range of disciplines and products, including traditional weaving arts, carpets and kilims, traditional embroidery, metal arts, enameling, pottery, miniature painting, wood-related arts, stone-related arts, traditional prints, leather arts, calligraphy and much more to be named.

Buying handicrafts not only supports the cultural field but also holds economic value for the buyer. These products appreciate over time and can provide significant economic benefits. Additionally, owning valuable works of art can bring a sense of satisfaction and pleasure from a psychological standpoint. Handicrafts often have practical uses as well, and they can add beauty and softness to residential and business spaces. They are known for their durability and longevity, as they do not depreciate with time and use. In fact, their value tends to increase over time. At the same time, one of the unique aspects of handicrafts is that each piece is one-of-a-kind, even if they may appear similar. This makes owning a handicraft a special and unique experience.

At Persis Art, we offer a range of services related to handicrafts. We handle international business, including export and import to all parts of the world. We also provide assistance in the production process of custom luxury handicraft products, from design to implementation. Our team can guide you in purchasing the best and highest quality Iranian handicraft products based on your budget. We issue valid certificates of authenticity and product quality guarantees, ensuring the genuineness of your purchase. We also offer after-sales services, including periodic product repairs and maintenance. If you need advice on pricing and authenticity of your handicrafts, we can assist you with that as well. Our certificates are approved by the World Handicrafts Council (WCC).

Furthermore, we provide research, educational, and content production services in the field of handicrafts, with the help of experienced masters and scholars. We also offer consultation and collaboration opportunities with government, private, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) involved in businesses related to handicrafts. At Persis Art, we are dedicated to promoting and supporting the world of handicrafts, and we are here to assist you every step of the way.

Hand Weaving

The history of fabric in Iran according to archeological research shows that weaving is one of the first industrial professions and according to some, it is even older than pottery.

Metal Work

The beginning of the art of metalworking in different parts of the world dates back to the discovery of metal in each region.

Precious and Semi- Precious Stones

Precious and semi-precious stones also called gem or jewel are a group of minerals which because of some properties, these substances are distinguished from other minerals and stones.

Inlaid Working

Inlaid is a cover obtained from getting a thin layer of tiny and equilateral pieces of colored wood with a thickness of 1.5 mm together with triangular pleces of brass and bone.

Fine Arts

Art is a collection of human-made works or processes that are created to affect human emotions and intelligence or to convey a concept.

Pottery and Ceramic

The art of making earthenware mud bricks with a layer of colored glazed designs and patterns to cover all kinds of surfaces of a con. struction is called tie making.

Glass Work

Glass is a compound mixture of alkaline silicates and alkaline earth, which are mixed with brates and aluminates.

Painting Work

Miniature or Iranian traditional painting is an artistic process during which a design is created on painting canvas by a paint brush smeared with color.